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Re: tonneau still wanted

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: tonneau still wanted
From: Conn <conn@wctc.net>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 15:57:28 -0500

Laura G. wrote:

> Oh yeah! I have to agree-a tonneau is the next best LBC accessory to a cell
> phone with AAA and your mechanics number on speed dial!
> Around here, we have "marine layer" the creeps in-and a tonneau cover is
> great so that you don't come back from dinner and have to drive home in damp
> seats. And if you're a GIRL- and tonneau with one side on makes you look les
> friendly, less inviting to would be stalkers! So, it's really handy.
> Oh, btw-I use mind because I'm too lazy to put the cover on, sometimes. And
> also to keep my record of almost four months topless!

You must be really tan.  ;^)

-- Conn  (conn@wctc.net)

History shows again and again,
how nature points out the folly of man.

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