Last night whilst atempting to replace the rear flexible brake hose I
undid the acorn nut, which didn't unstick from the steel pipe. Hence
brake line no more.
After teaching the nextdoor neighbours grand kids some new words I
realised maby it's better to have it snap like this than say when I
coming up for a hairpin bend at 70MPH.
I am going to byte the bullet, get myself a copper brake pipe kit and
replace the complete system. The one I am looking at is pre-cut
pre-flaired, and ready fit that to the car even with the plastic
retaining clips supplyed. BUT How long does it take to fit, and how
dificult is it?
Anyone have any experience of this...
Is it worth replaceing the fule line whist I am working in thar area, I
tend to think not I would prefir not to touch petrol because of the
dangers envolved when it spills over the garage floor.
Realy what I wan't to know is how much time will replaceing the brake
system take?
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot