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Re: what happened to my clutch?

To: Stig Nikolaj Fasmer Blomberg <blomberg@get2net.dk>,
Subject: Re: what happened to my clutch?
From: "Douglas Mitchell" <dmitchel@ford.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 12:42:58 -0400
On Jun 25,  5:50pm, Stig Nikolaj Fasmer Blomberg wrote:
> Subject: what happened to my clutch?
> This other day I was out driving my spifire 1500 (1976), and suddenly after
> a full stop, I couldn't get into first gear, and the remaining gears was
> hard to get into. Later on (about 5 minutes), it became possible to reach
> first gear again, but now the clutch was very hard, to depress - this in
> every gear.
> So now I'm in the situation, that I can reach all gears, even though it
> takes a firm hand on the gearshift, and i can depress the clutch, even
> though this requires force.
> I tried looking in my haynes manual, but the three pages here on clutches
> isn't very informative to me, so now I turn to you guys for help before i
> drive to my mechanic and bleed bucks.
> Nick, Denmark
>-- End of excerpt from Stig Nikolaj Fasmer Blomberg


It sounds as if the pivot pin for the clutch arm has gone missing.

Crawl under the car and see of the hole on the right side of the
bell housing is filled or not. If not, that is your problem.

If the pin is there, then you may have problems with your slave

>From your description, it is the pivot pin.


Doug Mitchell
'73 Spitfire 1500

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