Reed the artical on the VTR about snake oil, and the good it does. You
will soon stop using all oil aditives, and instead of that spend your
cash saved on desent oil. I have only used one good aditive, called
leak stopper. It's somthing that re-softens your gasguets. The other
aditive, STP de-coked my engin causing blowby, which was so bad that the
sides of the pistons.
The artical makes several points on PTFE AKA TEFLON.
1. The can sais shake well before use. If it settels out in the can it
will in an engin, so how do you shake the engin up.
2. It has littel bits of PTFE, it it dose what it sais and coats
everything in PTFE, it'll block your oil ways up.
3. Dupont stoped them using the word TEFLON on the can's because they
didn't want to be asociated with it.
4. What does an oil filter do? It filter out all the littel bit's in
the oil. What is the PTFE? It's littel bits in the oil. What happens
to your filter when you put PTFE in the engin? It clogs up and lowers
the oil pressure wrecking the engin. (The PTFE may go theough the
filter when cold, but at normal temperatures it expands to as size where
it won't)
5. Teflon it the most friction free solid there it. But it no where
comes near an oil film.
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot