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Re: rear brake shoes and adjustments

To: "the jolly rancher..." <njaremka@eng.buffalo.edu>
Subject: Re: rear brake shoes and adjustments
From: Trevor Boicey <tboicey@brit.ca>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 15:50:06 -0400
the jolly rancher... wrote:
> screw clockwise to tighten, or counter clockwise to loosen, untill you can
> no longer turn the wheel. then slacken of the adjuster one click. 

  I would think this should read "until you no longer feel the
brakes dragging" instead of "can no longer turn the wheel".

  I am thinking that one click away from "can't turn the wheel" would
still have the brakes applied a little. Don't want that.

Trevor Boicey, Ottawa, Canada.
tboicey@brit.ca, http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
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