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Painting - not really lbc

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Painting - not really lbc
From: "Will O'Brien" <hobrien@webos1.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 00:16:58 -0500
I just painted my Honda Accord.  LJC.
I used a paint gun I purchased from Harbor Freight tools for $30.  It works
great.  I was really happy with the way it performed.  It was a central
pneumatic w/teflon lined paint can.  I painted it black if you're
wondering.  Just a little plug for a good tool.  The only thing I really
needed was an air supply dryer that goes inline because a couple of times a
drop of water came out while I was spraying the hood or roof.  


Will O'Brien

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