1) Clean your MAF! Dirty MAF causes extra NOX.
2) Go when it's rainy. Heat causes nox. Humidity reduces combustion event
3) Ensure engine is running as cool as possible. Is thermostat old? Put in a
180 degree stat temporarily...
4) Have EGR? Ensure it's working well.
5) DeCarbon, DeCarbon, DeCarbon! Fuel injector cleaner, too.
6) Cylinder balance test.
7) Have the correct plugs? Are they seated properly?
-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Helpinstill <mhelpinstill@patmedia.net>
>Sent: Sep 10, 2006 11:40 PM
>To: Shotimes@autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: [Shotimes] Help with lean condition
>Kris and George,
>Thanks for the suggestions.
>Definitely cleared the codes each time.
>Checked Bosch part #s online and at the store - seems to be correct.
>Not willing to spend $500 on new cats.
>Looked for vacuum leaks again today and found nothing.
>Looks like I will be pulling the spout connector and hoping for the best.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "K. Angermeier" <kickinsho@charter.net>
>To: "Mark Helpinstill" <mhelpinstill@patmedia.net>
>Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 7:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [Shotimes] Help with lean condition
>> Hey Mark,
>> I may be off on my suggestions, but they are just that, suggestions.
>> Did you make sure to clear the codes after each time?
>> Do you know if your catalytic converters are okay?
>> My first suggestion was merely because it was something I didn't realize.
>> My second suggestion is because that is exactly what we had to do with my
>> '93 ATX to get it to pass emissions. We brought it to a local exhaust
>> shop who cut the bad ones out and welded new ones on.
>> Don't know if it helps or not, just my experience.
>> Good Luck
>> Kris Angermeier
>> Sheboygan, WI
>> '91 Plus Wht/Blk
>> '91 Plus Wht/Blk (crushed)
>> '93 Ultra Red ATX
>> "Women Who Behave Never Make History"
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Mark Helpinstill" <mhelpinstill@patmedia.net>
>> To: <shotimes@autox.team.net>
>> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 6:04 PM
>> Subject: [Shotimes] Help with lean condition
>>>I am extremely frustrated today - driven to shop for new cars.
>>> Having trouble with my 94 MTX. I failed emissions for high NOX (by only
>>> 10%),
>>> so I replaced my original o2 sensors (175K mi) with the Bosch 13942.
>>> Restarted and after going 10 miles got a check engine light. Pulled
>>> codes and
>>> got the 172 and 176 O2 sensor codes. Pulled new o2 sensors and bench
>>> tested
>>> using the shotimes procedure - both failed to show decent voltage change.
>>> I
>>> returned them to autozone and got replacements today. Just installed
>>> them and
>>> no longer getting the CEL, but with the code scanner still getting the
>>> same
>>> codes, plus engine running getting code 16 (does not exist apparently).
>>> Code
>>> scanner is a high quality autoxray unit.
>>> Checked for vacuum leaks and cleaned MAF. Still getting the same codes.
>>> Any
>>> suggestions before dropping the car at a shop? I reinstalled the
>>> original
>>> ford O2 sensors and get no codes. It will likely cost $200+ just to get
>>> someone to look at it, and likely tell me nothing.
>>> Bottom line - I replace a good part with known good parts and now I have
>>> codes. It seems likely that I have had a lean condition and the new O2
>>> sensors are more accurately reflecting that with a code.
>>> If no one has any ideas - what about suggestions for a cost effective
>>> shop in
>>> central NJ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Mark
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