Kris and George,
Thanks for the suggestions.
Definitely cleared the codes each time.
Checked Bosch part #s online and at the store - seems to be correct.
Not willing to spend $500 on new cats.
Looked for vacuum leaks again today and found nothing.
Looks like I will be pulling the spout connector and hoping for the best.
----- Original Message -----
From: "K. Angermeier" <>
To: "Mark Helpinstill" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Shotimes] Help with lean condition
> Hey Mark,
> I may be off on my suggestions, but they are just that, suggestions.
> Did you make sure to clear the codes after each time?
> Do you know if your catalytic converters are okay?
> My first suggestion was merely because it was something I didn't realize.
> My second suggestion is because that is exactly what we had to do with my
> '93 ATX to get it to pass emissions. We brought it to a local exhaust
> shop who cut the bad ones out and welded new ones on.
> Don't know if it helps or not, just my experience.
> Good Luck
> Kris Angermeier
> Sheboygan, WI
> '91 Plus Wht/Blk
> '91 Plus Wht/Blk (crushed)
> '93 Ultra Red ATX
> "Women Who Behave Never Make History"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Helpinstill" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 6:04 PM
> Subject: [Shotimes] Help with lean condition
>>I am extremely frustrated today - driven to shop for new cars.
>> Having trouble with my 94 MTX. I failed emissions for high NOX (by only
>> 10%),
>> so I replaced my original o2 sensors (175K mi) with the Bosch 13942.
>> Restarted and after going 10 miles got a check engine light. Pulled
>> codes and
>> got the 172 and 176 O2 sensor codes. Pulled new o2 sensors and bench
>> tested
>> using the shotimes procedure - both failed to show decent voltage change.
>> I
>> returned them to autozone and got replacements today. Just installed
>> them and
>> no longer getting the CEL, but with the code scanner still getting the
>> same
>> codes, plus engine running getting code 16 (does not exist apparently).
>> Code
>> scanner is a high quality autoxray unit.
>> Checked for vacuum leaks and cleaned MAF. Still getting the same codes.
>> Any
>> suggestions before dropping the car at a shop? I reinstalled the
>> original
>> ford O2 sensors and get no codes. It will likely cost $200+ just to get
>> someone to look at it, and likely tell me nothing.
>> Bottom line - I replace a good part with known good parts and now I have
>> codes. It seems likely that I have had a lean condition and the new O2
>> sensors are more accurately reflecting that with a code.
>> If no one has any ideas - what about suggestions for a cost effective
>> shop in
>> central NJ?
>> Thanks
>> Mark
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