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Re: [Shotimes] window moldings

To: "Nic Rudolph" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Shotimes] window moldings
From: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 08:42:38 -0500
 I have replaced these with new in years past. Now that they are not 
available new, only the junkyard. You might see of George out in rust free 
California has any from his junkyard crawls? What's weird is over the years 
they are really variable on how long they last? Some bubble up really quick 
and I have a couple that have lasted the whole 13 years on my 93.

>A few of the black window moldings (the moldings that surround the sides 
>and tops of the windows) on my 95 ATX are bubbling - the passenger side 
>rear is especially bad.  I want to replace them, but can no longer locate 
>new moldings from the dealer or any of the online Ford parts sites.  They 
>really take away from the appearance of an otherwise very well maintained 
>car.   I understand this to be a relatively common problem, so I thought I 
>might ask for any suggestions on where I could locate some.  Thanks!
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