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Re: [Shop-talk] Smoke gun for septic vent leak?

To: Jim Franklin <>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Smoke gun for septic vent leak?
From: "George P. Dausch IV" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 09:53:44 -0500
Cc: shop-talk <>
References: <>
Interesting problem.  Did you ever think about pulling a vacuum on the roof or 
wherever it exits and working backward?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 23, 2022, at 9:02 AM, Jim Franklin <> wrote:
> Apologies if I've asked this before, I can't find any emails from it. I 
> rent a basement apartment with a sewage ejection pump. When the weather gets 
> cold, it stinks, almost exclusively while I'm in the shower. After many 
> investigations and lots of thought, I think there's a leak in the vent side. 
> As the catchment tank fills up, the air above the liquid can't push the cold 
> slug of air in the vent pipe, so it exits through the leak. 
> A plumber has been here 3 times, and yesterday replaced the noisy and banging 
> backflow prevention valve, but either he's a nancy boy who doesn't wnt to 
> dive any further down the waste side, or is clueless, because his excuse is 
> that it's very hard to diagnose odors. Or maybe he's doing it for free as a 
> friend of the landlord and doesn't want to create an all day job he won't get 
> paid for.
> I'd like send a large volume of visible air down the vent and see if it leaks 
> out somewhere. I'm thinking I'd drill two small holes- one for a balloon 
> which I'd inflate to seal the vent, and one below it for a smoke gun. Sound 
> plausible? Better way to do this? Is there such a thing as a high volume 
> smoke gun for consumer prices?
> I've tried soapy water and smoke sticks to look for escaping air, but it was 
> inconclusive; I think I need positive pressure inside the system. I suppose I 
> could install a coupler in the vent and use the compressor and aforementioned 
> smoke sticks, but I'm looking for a better plan A. 
> thanks,
> jim
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