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[Shop-talk] Smoke gun for septic vent leak?

To: shop-talk <>
Subject: [Shop-talk] Smoke gun for septic vent leak?
From: Jim Franklin <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:51:10 -0500
Apologies if I've asked this before, I can't find any emails from it. I rent a 
basement apartment with a sewage ejection pump. When the weather gets cold, it 
stinks, almost exclusively while I'm in the shower. After many investigations 
and lots of thought, I think there's a leak in the vent side. As the catchment 
tank fills up, the air above the liquid can't push the cold slug of air in the 
vent pipe, so it exits through the leak. 

A plumber has been here 3 times, and yesterday replaced the noisy and banging 
backflow prevention valve, but either he's a nancy boy who doesn't wnt to dive 
any further down the waste side, or is clueless, because his excuse is that 
it's very hard to diagnose odors. Or maybe he's doing it for free as a friend 
of the landlord and doesn't want to create an all day job he won't get paid for.

I'd like send a large volume of visible air down the vent and see if it leaks 
out somewhere. I'm thinking I'd drill two small holes- one for a balloon which 
I'd inflate to seal the vent, and one below it for a smoke gun. Sound 
plausible? Better way to do this? Is there such a thing as a high volume smoke 
gun for consumer prices?

I've tried soapy water and smoke sticks to look for escaping air, but it was 
inconclusive; I think I need positive pressure inside the system. I suppose I 
could install a coupler in the vent and use the compressor and aforementioned 
smoke sticks, but I'm looking for a better plan A. 


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