Still no dice. I have no screensaver tab in the Display Properties
window. When ours lock it is the 'computer lock' you get when you
press Windows-L, not a screensaver lock.
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Mullen, Tim <> wrote:
> Paul Parkanzky wrote:
> >
> > First place I looked. I don't have that tab. Must be
> > something our IT people remove for some reason. Our
> > computers lock automatically after a short period of time.
> > Disabling the screensaver must be part of that deal.
> I don't have such a tab either.
> But I just right click on a blank spot of the desktop, and select
> "Properties" on the menu that pops up.
> Then on the "Display Properties" window that pops up, select the "Screen
> Saver" tab.
> Under "Screen saver" should be a pull down list of available screen
> savers.
> Click the down arrow, and hopefully, there will be a selection that says
> "My Pictures Slideshow". Select it, then click the "Settings" button
> and point it to the directory where you have your photos...
> Our systems are set to force us to have a screen saver to "lock" our
> computers (need a password to get back on), but they allow us to pick
> our own screen saver (can't change the time out or anything)...
> Tim Mullen
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