Let me start with the disclaimer: I'm a woman
who likes doing stuff like working on cars,
doing woodworking, etc. Some of my happiest
hours have been working with hubby on woodturning
projects and such.
I think that most women have some sort of
hobby. Might be shopping. My SIL loves to
tidy and decorate her house. I love to quilt
and knit. It's my belief that if one partner
wants to have the freedom to do their thing,
so should the other. Women who spend hours
each day crafting, then hassle their hubbies
for going out and adjusting the lawnmower
drive me bananas.
Now, all of that said, I think that there
also has to be a certain amount of flexibility.
I used to date a guy who would not talk to me
when he was working on stuff, except to say
"3/8 box end". :( No please, no thank you,
no "howareya". I was expected to be a tool
dispenser, but woe be unto me if I expected
him to even just explain what he was doing.
That relationship didn't last long.
If you're being relatively interactive when
she shows up in the shop, and are tolerant
of her hobbies, I think you can reasonably
expect she will be tolerant of yours. A
cheerful "Hi Sweetie" when you see her feet
appear can go a long way. :)
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