> what do you guys use to check your tire pressures?
> I've got about a dozen 'stick' gauges that I use, and my uncle (who works for
>Goodyear) gave me a very nice dial gauge that I hope is still buried in my
>toolbox from the move. but I really ought to buy one to keep in the garage
>for quick (and more frequent) checking.
tHROW OUT THE STICK GAUGES. They're notoriously inaccurate.
AutoZone & Advance sell a dial gauge with about a 1' hose whip for about
$15. They have different names on them, but all have an orange
rubber-like housing. I've bought three of them. They all read
identically. And they have a nice bleed-down button, so you can
overfill just a little, then bleed down to accurately get the final