Hmm, I read it as the pigtail would be the wire that had been cut loose
from the breaker, that was to be plugged into the socket not attached to
the breaker, or into the extension cord connected to the generator.
"I propose cutting each circuit between the breaker and switch, and
installing a suitably rated three prong female plug on the breaker side
of the cut and a three prong male plug on the switch side of the cut.
This would give me the ability, during power outages, to kill the
breaker, unplug the device, and then plug it into a 12/3 extension cord
running from my generator."
Thusly spake Karl Vacek:
>> Karl: There would be no possibility of shock at the plugs, just as
>> there is no possibility of getting shocked when touching the plug on
>> an appliance. Power into that piece of wire would be through the plug
>> that is now not connected to a power source.
>> Peace,
>> Pat
> Pat -
> Think about it again. He proposed adding a pigtail with a plug from
> the pump to allow it to be plugged into a generator. That pigtail
> would be connected to the pump and when the pump is regularly powered,
> the plug would be energized too.
> Karl
Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems
(512) 797-7501 Voice 5026 FM 2001 Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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