> I have found OSH to be a much better place to shop than the Home Despot.
> Prices aren't much more (if at all) and less hassle. Usually the people are
> more helpful. AND while HD has lots of stuff, they don't always seem to
> have the variety of stuff you will find at OSH.
There's lots of stuff you can't find at either, alas. HD in particular
seems to be cutting back on a lot of the useful stuff in favor of things
like appliances which I can't imagine ever buying at HD to begin with.
I've got a concrete crew out putting in forms and rebar for the driveway
extension (trailer parking! Merry Christmas to me, Merry Christmas to
me...) and a 10x20ft storage building in the side yard.
I wanted to put a Ufer ground in the footing of the building, just in
case at some future point we want to hang a subpanel out there and put
in a hot tub or whatever next to it.
So you need 30ft of #4 bare copper (20ft in the ground + continuous to
the panel, wherever I might want it) and some clamps listed for rebar
and direct burial. OSH, nope. HD, well, let's see here's the copper,
got that, now where's the clamps? Oh, here's one. It's even exactly
the *right* one. There's the shelf tag. Ask the guy who's cutting the
wire..."yellow tag, that means it's been discontinued."
Got lucky, they had a big box of 'em up on the shelf. The only legal
way to *do* a ground around here is a Ufer, but someone in BFE HQ
decided to discontinue one of the key parts needed...figures, I guess.