roger the Wash Mach...just making a worst-case calc.
i did see a consumer reports deal several years back that supports the
claim that detergents do same job in cold water as hot. my only splurge
on that is when I do a load of my greasy/ grimey clothes....hope the hot
helps a bit. the cost is nil, and it's not when i'm in the shower, so it
didn't affect my calc's for the THWH. As the king in my shop...and the
cook and clothes washer, my simultaneous use is easily controlled.
> Paul, you have done a lot of work that most of us tend to overlook in
> preparing this, one thing that is slightly off though is the washing
> machine use. The companies that prepare these type tables seem to
> ignore that hardly any laundry is washed in hot, or even warm water
> anymore.