*Lawn Boy*
*I bought a '58 Lawn Boy from a neighbor in 1960. He'd bought a new mower
because the LB wouldn't start. I cleaned the plug and I've been using it,
more or less, ever since. I've had riders and lawn care people over the
years, but I've used the Lawn Boy for scalping and trimming even when I had
options. I took the rope start off 20 years ago when I found I could start
it with a 11/16 socket and a 3/8th electric drill. It's original except for
blades, ignition and governer parts. Back in the 60s, I had a two acre lot
and I hung the LB behind a Bolens rider for a double swath. About 3 years
ago, I found 7 Lawn Boys in a scrap yard while I was buying steel. A mower
shop just junked them; I guss they were trade-ins from folks with service
problems. I bought them all for $40 and I got 4 of them running with plugs
and carburetor cleaning. I kept the 2 self-propelled ones, gave away some
and scrapped a couple . . I figure I'm "fixed" for the next 50 years! The
old 2 stroke Lawn Boys built by OMC get my vote for the best mower ever
built . . .Alas, they're gone now, too many laws, but they have a great
support website with parts and service manuals. Excuse the "spout" but we
ought to acknowledge good products just as we revile the bad ones! *
*Tony *