> OMG! You're paying over $400/mo for fuel?!?!? Have you heard of
> or looked into ground source heat pumps? Whereas a regular air
> source heat pump / air conditioner tries to dump heat into > 80dF air
> in the summer, and suck heat out of < 40dF air in the winter, a GSHP
> puts a heat transfer pipe loop in the ground below the frost line
> where it's typically a constant 50dF or so. Efficiency can approach
> 650% compared to pure electric (100% by definition.)
> I'd love to install one here for the beauty and elegance of its
> design, but the weather is mild enough here in western North Carolina
> that it would take > 10 years to pay off. If I still lived in a
> miserably cold place like Ohio, or an intolerably cold place like MN,
> I'd install one yesterday.
Do you have any pointers for a newbie to heat pumps to learn about these?
(Miserably cold in Ohio... :-)