Have a leak in the radiator on my 1993 Chevrolet Suburban 4x4. This is a
composite aluminum-core/plastic-tanks radiator. The leak appears to be in
the seal between the left tank and the aluminum core. Coolant is wetting
the back side of the aluminum core on the rear face all the way up and down
the seal.
Do they rebuild these things or does the plastic warp so that re-sealing is
a bad gamble?
Are there all-metal radiators available?
It looks like I am not going to have a lot of problems with the R&R. Are
there any gotchas or tips for the R&R?
Phil Ethier West Side Saint Paul Minnesota USA
1970 Lotus Europa 65/2597, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1993 Suburban, 1962 TR4 CT2846L
pethier@isd.net http://www.mnautox.com/ http://www.lotusowners.com
"TOOLS? Hell, any fool can work with tools. It takes a real mechanic to
work with this junk." -Orv Ethier, 1921-2004. First Shot Naval Vets, Pearl
Harbor Survivor.