On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 08:49:01AM -0500, JNiolon@uss.com wrote:
> good thought Eric, but most of this stuff is in natural areas and
> non-mowable areas.. while I'm mowing I'm chopping up leaf mold and pine
> bark and such... hence the need for spot and area spraying...
For those areas I use a good heavy-duty weed-whacker.
Or a chainsaw. I've got some serious brush. Some of the
coyotebrush (Baccarus pilularis) has trunks in the 4-5" diameter
range. We also get a lot of Scotch broom, various berries (which
I try to leave when possible), perrenial sweet pea, and of course
poison oak. Then there's the trees...
When we moved in I tried spray but it didn't seem to do much good. So now
I use a combination of a tractor + brush hog (which will turn 2x4s into
spinters), weed whacker, and chainsaw.
In a few places I've let some fir tres grow and shade out the brush species.