Hi John,
My mother once suggested salt. I thought to myself that salt couldn't do
what Round-Up and all the other potent weed killers could do. Well, after
using every known concoction known to man and still having these persistent
weeds, I tried plain table salt. It worked! So I went to the feed mill and
bought a 50# bag of mineral salt. It works too! The plus to this is that
it won't harm any critters that happen by. HTH
----- Original Message -----
From: <JNiolon@uss.com>
Subject: weed killer
I'm trying to find a
> weed killer that works... my weeds laugh hardily at Round up and I'm
> convinced it's a fertilizer to them... any recommendations on something
> that will work ?? That the normal person can buy without approval and
> licensing from ADEM,EPA,OSHA and LSMFT ?
> john