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Re: Window Alternatives

Subject: Re: Window Alternatives
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 12:34:40 -0500
is visibility necessary ???  do you have to see thru them or merely gather
light ???  There are on the market heavy gauge fiberglass panels that are
"clear" (translucent)  as compared to green.  It's not the cheap home depot
stuff... this is at least a 1/16" thick and transmitts light very well...
one choice.

Or, you could frame the window openings with wood (pressure treated ???) to
fit your block installed size and then cover the outside with metal
sheeting to match the building  (isn't your shop metal siding ???)...

Have you looked at the building salvage yards for windows that would fit.
We have one here in B'ham that specializes in demolishing older buildings
and they have a good supply of metal frame swing out windows like you'de
see in a machine shop or industrial building.... check with the yellow
pages for demolition companies or salvage yards...

well...........I'm out of ideas

john on 10/10/2000 09:39:46 AM

Please respond to

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Subject:  Window Alternatives

In my new shop, I have lots of broken, single paned windows.  I wanted to
replace them with something better.  I started with glass block.  My buddy
has a bunch of 12" blocks that I can get cheap ($4 a block).  But with the
amount of windows (none of which are easily divisible by 1 foot)  I am
looking for alternatives.

First off, I'm in love with glass block.  I love the security, insulation,
light, and privacy they offer.  Plus, no maintenance once installed.  But
I'll need over 200 blocks to be installed to do *SOME* of the windows (the
more important ones)

So, does anyone have any options (hopefully low cost) for redoing windows
(most are about 6'(L)X4'(H)) in a concrete block building? It needs to be
insulating (I have plumbing in there) and it should let in light.
Replacement widows of this size start at about $250 EACH and go up from

Does anyone know a good way to "take up" about 3" to 4" of space while
installing glass block?  Wood?



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