I called the 800 number.
Viewing size is SMALL. 3.75 X 1.0 inches.
With shipping it came to $84.91 and I had it sent to
my work so my wife won't know. I can bring it home
one night when she is working late!
The guy on the phone tried to explain it to me. If I understand
it, the two stage is #10 filter and if that isn't enough it goes up
to a #12 filter. Sensitivity is adjustable.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: borgstede@umsl.edu
Brian Borgstede I
Telecommunications Engineer, I '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis I
Instructional Technology Center I TR-250
Phone: (314) 516-6433 I (or 2 or more)
Fax: (314) 516-5294 I