the catalog and web site say... "Auto-darkening filter lens protects your
eyes from ultraviolet and infrared light. 2 stage adjustment. din10 and
12.. offers superior comfort. ANSI approved. Vision Guardian Lens....
hell, throw the helmet away and put the lens in yours... it says made in
USA but don't know if it means the lens or the hood.
Brian Borgstede <> on 06/14/2000 12:04:14 PM
Please respond to Brian Borgstede <>
cc: (bcc: John Niolon/Fairfield/USX)
Subject: auto darkening welding shades
Please tell us more about this helmet.
$80 you say, Hmmm. Do you have a web site for Northern?
Do they offer specs like dimming rate and window size?
>After burning a couple of pounds of wire putting a new floor in my
>Spitfire, I came to the conclusion that a new helmet was called for.
>Northern has an autodarkening one for under $80!. I realize this will be
>a cheap plastic
>helmet, but the lens is my main concern. A net search didn't reveal
>much on the technology & safety of the powered lenses.
>Are these proven safe? Does is make any difference if these low-end
>versions are all coming out of China? I don't know if the US made ones
>are subject to any better inspection / standard compliance or not.
Brian Borgstede I
Telecommunications Engineer, I '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis I
Instructional Technology Center I TR-250
Phone: (314) 516-6433 I (or 2 or more)
Fax: (314) 516-5294 I