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[Cml] Problem With McVey's {01}

Subject: [Cml] Problem With McVey's {01}
From: "William C.W. Lamb" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 12:02:20 -0500
McVey's is, I believe, a substantial business dealing in older American
hard-to-find parts. Pass this on.

>Delivery-date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:48:08 -0500
>Errors-To: <>
>Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 11:26:13 -0800
>From: Dave Morgan <>
>Subject: [Cml] Problem With McVey's {01}
>To: "Cml List Member" <>
>X-Accept-Language: en
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id KAA47829
>I just received the following message regarding a problem this guy had
>with McVey's.  While I have never dealt with them before, I thought I
>would pass the information on to the list.  Please carbon copy any
>responses to John at
>        vendor problems
>   Date:
>        Wed, 12 Jan 2000 12:52:02 -0600
>   From:
>     To:
>Good Afternoon
>I found myself compelled to contact you. I own a 1950 Coupe 62 Cadillac.
>It was my grandparents beginning in 1952 (2nd owner) and they gave it to
>my dad who was fixing it up at the time of his death in 1982. After
>sitting in a barn for 15 years I acquired it from my mother. Someday it
>will be my son�s.
>I have been slowly (10 years now) trying to fix it up. I have the
>mechanical parts, springs, engine, windows, radiator etc. almost
>perfect. I don�t have a lot of money so it has taken some time to
>accomplish what I have, but it is a special car with many memories.
>During the course of my efforts I have had to search for various parts
>and come up with sources for these parts (nothing major).  I now have
>just about all I need but one thing I was missing was a side view mirror
>(drivers). One of the sources I came up with was McVey�s in Kansas.
>This is why I am corresponding with you. During the summer of last year
>I ordered this and some other parts from them. They insisted they knew
>(in no uncertain terms saying �Who are you going to listen to some guy
>who doesn�t know what he is talking about or us�) what kind I needed.
>Well, they were wrong and sent the improper mirror. Then, after I
>called, they wanted to charge me $30 to restock (I had already paid
>postage�both ways). I insisted that was not proper since it was
>basically their mistake and after much trembling over the phone they
>agreed to only give me credit.
>Back to the reason I am corresponding, recently I called to take
>advantage of the 129.00 credit I have with this company and I also
>intended to order some other items I need. They (again) were very curt
>and discourteous to me�from the start. I was very pleasant and cordial.
>To put it mildly, they were total jerks and I asked the guy�s name
>(George�he said he was the owner). He told me he didn�t care if I called
>the FBI.
>If you were in my position you would understand the total disregard,
>disdain and utter hatred (it seemed) they displayed toward me, their
>customer. It has always been this way with this company. It seems these
>so-called �experts� look down upon their paying customers and I can�t
>figure it out. Like we are not worth the time�maybe I am not to them.
>It is important, to me, that as many people as possible know about this
>treatment. I am very upset. If everyone was treated like the way they
>have treated me, this George, would not be in business for very long at
>all. Perhaps he needs to retire.
>This is intended as a warning to anyone who might consider having
>dealings with this business. Hopefully, you can find your parts
>At this point, all I need is a windowasher rebuilt kit and the glass
>bottle to go with it as well as the trim clips for all the body chrome
>(sides). I would also like to get some Cadillac key blanks. If you, or
>anyone knows of a good source at a reasonable price (I am not wealthy
>but realize there is a cost) please let me know.
>I ordered 2 hubcaps from McVeys, he was upset and thought I was stupid
>for asking what the difference was between the 83.00 & 73.00 caps was
>(�One is better than the other� is all he said in a very rude
>manner.�again it was a terrible way to be treated, dispite my inability
>to convey the entire feeling.) He ended up hanging up on me, after
>berating me. I told him to send the �cheap� ones and bill me the
>difference. I now fear that if he does send them (which he better since
>I am owed 129.00) that he will pick out the absolute worst specimens he
>can find. Is that a way to do business?
>I�m sorry, but the guy was a real jerk. Live and learn I guess, I hope
>this message will prevent someone else from running into the same
>problem. For reference:
>McVey�s (George)
>5040 Antioch Suite E
>Merriam, Kansas 66203
>please boycott this business.
>John T. Wallace
>1211 Western Trail
>Mukwonago, Wisconsin 53149
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>Rik Gruwez
>Cadillac Mailing List Administrator
>"There's no substitute for cubes"

William "Chip" Lamb
West of Sweden SAAB
Charles City, VA.

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