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Re: Shop security

Subject: Re: Shop security
From: (Dave Williams)
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 22:06:00 -0500
-> Actually, there used to be a machine shop somewhere in Texas, where
-> the owner would release live Rattlesnakes into the shop everynight,
-> then round them up each morning. He had no problems with breakins.

 Ed Welbon on the GN list breeds tarantulas and lets them wander free in
his house.  He says they keep the flea and tick population from his
hound dogs under control, and they're quite shy and not easily startled.

 I wouldn't mind something like that, but I'd always worry about
accidentally stepping on one on a late-night bathroom trip and pissing
it off.
I've got a secret / I've been hiding / under my skin / | Who are you?
my heart is human / my blood is boiling / my brain IBM |   who, who?

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