I forget exactly what "ogv" stands for, I seem to remember it's an acronym
in french but the exact words aren't coming. but it refers to the same
design as snap-on's "flank drive", or mac's "knuckle saver", or s-k's
"suregrip". you know--the corners of the tool are radiused so that the
sides grip the fastner. but--(and I don't know if snap-on, etc., or even
s-k, do this) facom's are doubly radiused, a larger radius by the corner
of the tool, and a second more shallow radius as it moves away from the
corner. this seems to get a really good 'grip' on the side of the
fastener, and it doesn't seem to wiggle so much after that initial give
from the radiusing. that is one thing I'd like to see: I doubt it's
possible, but if you could get _ultra- tight fitting wrenches that fit so
snugly you'd have no give at all when turning. though I guess that's
impossible, 'cause you'll always have variations in the same fastener
size, and as the fastener wears.
I guess s-k's suregrip would be the same thing since they're owned by
facom and probably made in the same foundry. haven't looked too closely
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Eric Murray wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 01:20:14PM -0500, Richard Beels wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, it's listed as non-OGV. Don't tell Steve, however, that I've gotten
> > OGV stuff that he thought was non-OGV. Hit and miss but it has
> > happened. They fit really well regardless that I think the non-OGV FACOM
> > wrenches are as good, if not better, than most other wrenches....
> What's OGV mean?
> Thanks.
> --
> Eric Murray www.lne.com/~ericm ericm at the site lne.com PGP keyid:E03F65E5