what's an edm machine? that's a new one for me.
I'd suggest something like what mike does, if I understand him. I once
broke off a hardened e-z out in a bolt on a jet-ski pump. I ended up
using ~10 tiny ti drill bits (they broke a lot) to drill the bolt around
the e-z out away enough that I could remove the e-z out, and still not
damage the threads. then, of course I had to get the remaining bit of the
bolt out, but that's another story.
On Fri, 14 May 1999, Mike Lee - Team Banana Racing wrote:
> >I wish. It's flat with the surface of the broken bolt, which is flat with
> >the surface of the unobtainium spindle/hub.
> Take the thing to a machine shop with an EDM machine?
> Is there room between the EZout and the bolt? Meaning, could you visualize
> it as a bulls-eye? I once broke an EZ-out in a rusted bolt in a suspension
> console. Couldn't get the car over to a machine shop either. I was able to
> use one of those tiny, diamond/carbide (whatever those really hard, expensive
> things are) grinding bits to slowly auger out the bolt around the EZ out.
> Once I got as far as I could, I whaled on the EZ out with a punch and hammer
> and eventually got it loose enough to remove. I finally drilled out the bolt
> using successively bigger and bigger reverse drill bits. Major PITA, and I
> hope I never have to do it again.
> Good luck,
> Mike