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Re: rounded off nut removal

To: "Tony Clark" <>, <>
Subject: Re: rounded off nut removal
From: "Steve Hammatt" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 22:26:56 -0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Clark <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, February 06, 1999 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: rounded off nut removal

>-----Original Message-----
>>Suggestions wanted for removing rounded off nut where space and
>>clearance around the nut are VERY limited. Its at the flange joining
>>diff to prop shaft on my TR6 - on the diff side of the flange.
>Too tight a place for a socket?  Usually, I can find a six point socket,
>worn out, metric etc. that will remove a rounded nut.  If there's no socket
>room and it was rounded off with a 12 point box-end or an open end,
>sometimes a 6 point box end will help.  Sometimes, a 6 point and some piano
>wire ends wedged around the opening will help.
>Then there are vise-grips, a good tool of last resort . . I've even
>sacrificed a pair of Tiwan vise grips and ground the jaws to fit a
>nut.  I've filed two flats on a nut so that an open end will fit, I've
>ground a nut down to the thread and then chiseled it off, I've used a
>cheap air hammer and ground on the bit 'til it can  turn a nut
>Actually, if a rounded nut is giving me much trouble, I go get the
>"flame-wrench" and torch it off.
Tony.....the word you were looking for was finesse..<g>

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