I have a 25'X48' (that's not a typo) garage that is masonry block all the
way up to the roof. The garage also has an extra high ceiling so warming
it could be expensive.
First thing was to replace the windows with glass block (I did this for
security as well)
I added a wood stove in there. Besides the fact that it take up floor
space, it has been well worth it. I just get a fire going about 15 mins
before I go out there to work and the place is VERY warm (note, I built a
fan unit that blows the hot air back into the garage.)
When I'm doing woodworking, I just chuck the small scraps in the fire as
I have lots of wood around since I also have 2 fireplaces inside. (wood
heats to twice, once when to cut and split and once when you burn it!)
Best way to go. You don't have high explosive tanks in the garage
(propane) nor do you need natural gas lines run out there. The only
problem have been the ash dust, but I will live with that to be warm. The
only other problem is if I just want to do some quick projects (under an
hour), it's not worth it to start a fire, so I stay "cool" for that time.
You can also move it out of the way during the summer months if need be.