I received a gift cert to the local (West Acres, Fargo) mall. I am
considering purchasing a sprayer to paint my tractor. However, the only
store in the mall that has such items is Sears. They offer the Craftsman
line (aka Crapsman, although I do purchase their hand tools) and a
DeVilbiss (sp) model (which model escapes me right now). My question to
those in the know is: Should I get the DeVilbiss? Should I just use my
gift cert to purchase some more hand tools and look for a better deal
somewhere that specializes in these things? What sprayer is the best?
What items should one look for in a sprayer? I have air, so that is not a
big concern. I realize that HVLP is probably the way to go, but my budget
(and the purchasing dept/wife) probably won't allow that.
Thanks for any info.
Don (who blows alot of hot air sometimes, too)
Don Thiel mailto:dwt@means.net
Train Dispatcher
Breckenridge, MN (But I live in North Dakota!)
Make plans to attend the Western Minnesota Steam Thresher's Reunion
Sept 3-6, 1999, Rollag, MN More info at http:\\www.rollag.com
This year's feature is Massey Ferguson