I have noticed that many of you on the list have complaints about parts
washers and solvents to use in them.
I have had the same problem over the years and have tried all kinds of
solvents that smell bad to worse and don't work worth a shit. Have also
tried to buy from SafteyKleen but is available only on a service schedule
basis (would be OK if you needed 50 gallons every few months)
The good news is the I have found a solvent that works GREAT ! Much
better than gas-kerosene-thinners-etc. etc.
It is available from GRANGERS and is called AGITENE available in 5 Gal
container with almost no odor and seems gentle on the hands. Cost is $45
but worth every penny.
You can find them at http://www.grainger.com and serch for parts washer
Regards Nils