Someone wonders:
> How is it that it takes two hefty steel rods to turn the collar,
but the
> whole thing stays adjusted for years with one large setscrew?
One big ol' cup point setscrew "machines" it's way into the bar and
will hold more torque than you can apply with one hand; my doors have
2 set screws on each collar. It takes two bars 'cause you have to
"crank" with one to bring the next hole socket into view so you can
continue "cranking" with bar #2.
The 3/4" inch shaft is solid from one end to the other, a miss-match
in spring tension between the two springs is of no real consequence
in lifting the door; just in equalizing the load on the springs. If
I had to guess, I'd say that the torque I had to apply (with one rod
and with one hand) at maximum was 75-85 ft pounds on a 16 ft wooden
panel door. It's easier to do and not any more "risky" than
changing a wheel with the Mickey-mouse jack that comes with your car!
On the drillpress, you can by a pretty good Chinese basic home-shop
unit for $85 . . about the price of a new hairdo, a new dress or a
new pair of shoes . . . is this gonna be a big problem? :-)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Brian Evans []
> > On my door, there was a collar at one end of the
> > spring with four 1/2" holes and a large setscrew to fix the
collar to
> > the
> > bar.