In a message dated 97-05-09, Paul Richer wrote:
> There's nothing wrong with having the extra
> capacity if you are willing to pay for it, but like others have said,
> There's other things I would rather spend my money on.
> =20
I'll toss in my two cents. Checking my fairway Elec catalog a 20/40 =
(can take split breakers) position 200 A panel costs $87 and a 20/20 =
position 100A panel costs $48. I'd say: go wild. Spend the extra forty =
bucks plus the extra $25 for heavier wire. Unless your garage is a few =
hundred feet away from the service entrance/main panel you aren't =
looking at much more in money or labor.
Mark Miller
who has only a 16 gauge orange extension cord leading to his garage, but =
talks big