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Re: There is life after all!!

To: "Stephen" <>
Subject: Re: There is life after all!!
From: "Brent Covey" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 02:56:22 -0700
Hi Stephen!

>Yes l am a paid up member of three Jensen organizations because l own a
>Jensen car, however the list is still available to anyone, and not just
>to members.

I am very fond of Interceptors myself, I am hell bent to add a FF to the
collection someday when I am able to persuade an owner to part with one!

I am sorry the RR lists aside from this one are not open to the general
public. Although I suspect for most people belonging to one of the larger
Owners clubs is probably a good idea, I personally find it distressing that
the clubs do not recognize that good information should be freely shared
between owners regardless of affiliation, or worse yet, that a club might
endeavour to restrict the flow of ideas and experiences for mercenary gains
in membership. I sincerely hope the latter is not the case, and that the
closed lists are merely oversight.

Perhaps current members of the various clubs might raise this aspect with
thier Directors.

One perk of a free list lacking strong proprietary interests, is that people
like me will be glad to post! Its my strong view that there is no reason a
car owner should not have unrestricted access to any helpful information
that will preserve his car, keep him safe, and save him expense.

>I joined the Rolls list because my next most favorite car would be a late
>Bentley T2. My father bought a T1 with the complaint suspension model in
>1974 bought at about 12 months old. I really loved being driven in it, l
>also had 'L' plates on it and drove quite a few miles in it before l
>passed my driving test, after passing my test he very occasionally let me
>out in the car - certainly impressed my mates!

Hehehe, I bet! Sounds like a wonderful experience! I often think my life
might have been much different had I been exposed to a RR much earlier...
would have been a strong inducement to higher education likely.

Best of luck in your search for a suitable T2, and wish me luck in finding
an FF!

Kind Regards
Brent Covey

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