hey tom
call me if you want but ehres the basic thing i do in CA here.
get your truck all together-doenst matter if it runs/not just all the
major pieces have to be there and look installed.
motor/trans/big body parts.
go to DMV and ask for VIN verification form, say nothing else. go home.
get your whole shebang on a car trailer.
take it to your local highway patrol.
have them fill out the VIN verification form using the VIN on the
doorframe. fiegn ignorance of any other VIN anywhere on body or frame.
while it is on trailer, take to certified public scale. get it wieghed
on trailer.
take it home, off the trailer and same day-drive back to scale with
empty trailer so they can compare wieghts and use calulator and figure
actual wieght of your truck.
get certified wieght of your truck.
go BACK to DMV.
tell them you lost your title.
start over. show wieght cert, show VIN verification.
pay to put it in your name and either register it or put it on non-op
status(here in ca its 15$ for non-op so no back fees when you go to
really go drive it)
go home.
wait for new title with matching VIN numbers to come in the mail.
email for phone number.
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