If it ever warms up, I'm hoping to get the plumbing done on my AD. I
have a Trans Am rearend with disc brakes and discs up front on my
Heidt's IFS. Since I have discs all the way around, do I need a
proportioning valve on the brake line? Most that I've seen advertised
are for disc/drum setups, so I wasn't sure if the proportioning valve
was necessary or even recommended for disc/disc setups.
Also, what has anyone else used for their brake lights? I was thinking
of plumbing a hydraulic brake light switch into a T in the brake line.
Is there a better option? I will have a hanging pedal assembly. If the
hydraulic switch is the way to go, does the type of switch matter? For
example, JC Whitney sells VW brake light switches for $3.99.