I did about the same with my mostly stock 54. I was driving from
Colorado to Utah, and just took it out of gear after coming out of the
Eisenhower Tunnel. Clear view ahead, almost no traffic, and a bit of a
curve to the road. I let it get up to about 75 before I started
getting really nervous about the rear end not being able to handle it.
Steering was pretty reasonable, though.
On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 07:16 AM, Rich Kosiba wrote:
> I've had my '50 (all stock) up to about 65 going down a hill in the
> Adirondacks on a camping trip. My brother turned green. We could see a
> long way into the distance and there was nobody coming, so I didn't
> mind
> the fact that it took me over the yellow line now and then. It bounced
> and
> rattled all over the place, even though it was reasonably freshly paved
> highway (very smooth!). At 65 I started using the brakes - I was
> afraid to
> let it go any more than that, and wouldn't have gotten that high if it
> weren't dead straight and perfect view.
Tim Lloyd, lloyd@lasp.colorado.edu
SNOE Mission Operations Lead Flight Controller
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
"It is the man in the arena of public life that we honor, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat, and blood, who strives valiantly, who
errs and comes short again and again because there is no effort
without error and short-coming; but who does actually strive to do the
deed, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who
spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end
the triumphs of high achievements, and at the worse if he fails at least
fails while daring greatly." --Theodore Roosevelt
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959