I Found these repo tanks '49-'59 at American Classic Trucks yesterday.
What is the consensus on a truck that has been sitting for an extended
period (ie 8-10 years) with gasoline in the tank. The gas now smells like
varnish and I am afraid to even turn my truck over until I clean out this
tank. Should I actually consider replacing it or ...what is the best way to
clean them out?
Richard Tayrien
52GMC � ton
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2000 20:59:29 -0500
From: Grant Galbraith <trks@javanet.com <mailto:trks@javanet.com> >
Subject: [oletrucks] Repro Gas Tanks
I"ve seen the repro tanks for Task Force trucks for sale, do they have them
for AD also?
50 Chevy 3100
52 GMC 150
Deve Krehbiel wrote:
> Well, good responses from all who had opinions/info on spare tire
> I had breakfast with Jim Carter this past friday, and he mentioned
that he
> was about 1-1/2 weeks away from stocking a reproduction of the
> spare tire carrier for under the bed. He already has one at his
showroom on
> his fully restored 1950 but I live far enough away where I havent
seen it.
> Since this is such a rare item its not surprising the $199.00
price tag. I
> am very encouraged by the vast offering of reproduction parts
available for
> the AD's with more coming. We can now get brand new (inside the
cab) gas
> tanks too. Thanks again to all that mailed me and/or responded
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959