This is what I like about this group,all willing to help.This afternoon the
wife and I got out and remeasured. I am going to go 26 long and 28 wide.
This is the most I can go as I said I have a small backyard.The shop I have
now is 22 long and 14 wide.My buddy's body shop is less than a mile away and
said all body work he does for me and he has mini storage rentals that I
can use to store any time for nothing. I am saving all this info that every
one has offered. The electric CO-op where I work is having a sealed bid
auction on some of their workbenches,compressors and so on ,so looks like I
am going to do some shopping. Again thanks for all the input.
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959