Thanks all for your responses. The head gasket I have came with the engine
kit that I purchased from Patrick's. It is a Felpro gasket and no
directions came with it. It is not solid copper, rather there is a thin
copper layer bottom and top with a darker, thicker material sandwiched
within. The copper is not bonded to the inner material, rather it is
mechanically attached via the amour which surrounds the bores and water
jacket ports. I guess I am concerned about the sealing capabilities of this
gasket. The other thing that concerns me is the crushed height of the
gasket. The gasket is somewhat thicker than I would like and I have put a
fair amount of $effort$ into dialing in a specific compression ratio. I
think I'll give Patrick's a call to get the skinny on it. BTW does he have
an email address where he can be contacted? I was leafing thru the Summit
catalog and they do offer copper head gaskets (Milodon, SCE), but appear to
be for racing motors. Miq, there is some good info on that site, and also
some very cool vintage racing photos.
< says:
<> Last year I got a new head gasket for my '32 Chevy Roadster
<from Egge and
<> it did not come with any instructions, I just installed it
<without any
<> sealer or anything and it has worked fine. I do know that there is a
<> sealer available for copper head gaskets but don't know of a source
<> offhand. You might want to call Egge in California.
<There is a place in CA that still makes custom copper head gaskets, and
<they have a web page:
<It's run by a guy named Mordy Dunst, who is very active in the
<vintage race
<this sub page has a how-to on installation:
<covers all the basics, cleaning, annealing, fixing bends, etc.
<One thing of interest: Copper gaskets are more of a shim than
<a gasket,
<and you might need to use a "stop-leak" to keep the head from weaping
<Miq Millman
<Tualatin, OR
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959