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Re: suv'in

To: "Scott Seidler" <>,
Subject: Re: suv'in
From: "Stuart J. Ross" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:38:56 -0500
Out here in the 'burbs the SUV craze is in vogue. This is a fairly affluent
area (Christy Whitman soon to be EPA & ex NJ gov lives near by) The parking
lots are loaded with these over sized vehicles. When I back out of a spot, I
am never sure what will happen because (as the old spiritual says)" they're
so high you can't see over them and so wide, you can't see around them." I
keep thinking that another SUV with a suburban soccer mommy on her cell
phone will t-bone me as I try to pull out of the parking space. The craze is
really a tribute to automotive advertising and the lack of suitable
alternatives. No more station wagons, and the mini-van is less "glamorous"
than a 4x4. But look at the size of the Chevy Suburban and the Ford
Expedition, of which there are many out here in the "wilderness" of NWNJ. I
guess if I lived in a really rural and/or mountainous area, there'd be an
honest and practical reason for driving one of these vehicles. I don't have
a problem with that. That's practical. But to haul groceries from the
Shop-Rite back to your 5 acre development house and then pick up the kids
from soccer practice, can't you drive a car rather than one of these monster

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