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Photogenic Morgan

Subject: Photogenic Morgan
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 20:00:33 EDT
Morgan friends,

I am looking for input on a somewhat Morgan related issue.  A couple of 
months ago, while running errands, I returned to my 1959 +4 parked in the 
local grocery store parking lot to find a hand written note on the front 
seat.  The note was from a professional fashion photographer who asking me to 
call her if I would be interested in letting her use the Morgan in fashion 
shoots.  I did so, expressed my interest, and she said she would contact me 
when she was planning a shoot that she thought would benefit for such a "cool 

I forgot all about it, but today she called and I have arranged to meet her 
and a model close to where I live for about an hours photo shoot.  I raised 
the issue of remuneration and she gave me a figure that she told me was the 
going rate for this sort of thing, politely telling me that this is 
Cincinnati, not New York City.  

Do any of you have any experience in this line of work ?  What can a 
photogenic Morgan and it less photogenic owner make an hour in the Midwest? 

Richard Cedar and his photogenic 1959 +4.

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