Related to the below, what has happened with the list host. Did enough
money come in? Are we running on a borrowed Z80 or a chromed PIII600? It'd
be nice to get some feedback.
Gary Arcus
Western Australia
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Lorne M. Goldman
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 November 1999 16:31
> To:; Snake 357
> Subject: Re: Where is everybody?
> [snip]
> As I understood it, Bradakis urgently emailed
> ALL lists that his equipment was showing signs
> of imminent failure and that he wanted to move
> the key equipment to his garage from the
> basement of the CompuSci building at the
> University of Utah. He also required thousands
> of dollars for replacements to stave off a
> possible mail List collapse.
> [snip]