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Re: Industrial tribunal report

Subject: Re: Industrial tribunal report
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 20:50:16 EDT
In a message dated 10/23/99 5:36:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 Ray Westwood <> writes
 >The report of the industrial tribunal makes very uncomfortable reading; I
 >suppose that we have to assume that it is genuine? I have never seen one
 >before and am surprised at some of the phrasing and bluntness.
 It's genuine and reads as one would expect from Mr Goodchild, the
 Tribunal Chair. Mr C J Goodchild, is considered by the local unions to
 be a hard bastard and is held in high esteem by Unison, the local Law
 Centres and the Chamber of Commerce.
 I was faxed a copy in the first instance and I have seen the file entry
 in the Tribunal records. You may apply for a certified copy if you write
 to the relevant office. These would normally read as a narrative of
 events. I have seen probably 10-12 in ten years and this one is only
 unusual in that there is not an explanation in mitigation for the
 employer. The Tribunal panel apparently see this as clear cut.
 >However, it does not convey an image of the kind of club with which, I
 >suspect, many Morgan owners would wish to be associated. To me, equally as
 >disturbing as the unfair and apparently heartless treatment of one
 >individual is the way in which the pages of Miscellany totally fail to
 >acknowledge that the issue exists at all. If the magazine is not able to
 >give expression to the views of the club's members, then what is the point
 >in having a magazine at all? What is the point in having a club at all?
 This is the issue that I find myself considering. I would be sorry to
 leave the club as I have met a lot of people and enjoyed some really
 good times, but the contempt that the Directors have shown to an
 employee and to the membership by not communicating leaves a very nasty
 For the moment I will remain in the club, but if I do not see changes
 for the better, before, during or shortly after the AGM, I will resign
 from the club, spreading the word as widely as possible.
 >I am very grateful to Jeremy Edwards and to ManxMog for putting these
 >matters into the public domain. Is there a next step?
 Go to the AGM at the Abbey Hotel, Malvern on February 19th, take as many
 proxy votes as you can from members who cannot go and help challenge the
 existing Directors.
 There is a motion, for which I have seen no debate to reduce the
 Directors to 9, which should come up. As this balls up happened when the
 actions of the Executive were scrutinised by 30, I shudder to think what
 could happen with only 9.
 --  >>

OH MY GOD!!!  

I thought Morgans were supposed to be fun!!!!  Little tin-and-plywood sports 
roadsters to run around in and meet people in and fix in your garage and love 
and caress and maybe beat them up on a racetrack and make friends over.

This sounds like impeachment hearings in the Senate, or a multiple murder 
trial where some gangster killed a union boss or something.  

Sure you got the right board????


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