There is absolutely no problem with any North American club affiliating
with the MSCC, which IS, in my view, the "Mother Club". Several points
come to mind, however, which will have a bearing on this discussion:
At present, The MSCC is primarily U.K.-focused, although many foreign
clubs send in articles which are published. (In August one of the small
Italian clubs has an article in "Miscellany".) The only way to broaden the
focus of the magazine would be to pay dues and contribute.
The MSCC is a Corporation. Overseas Centres would not automatically
have a voice on the Board. Someone other than me will need to explain
the technicalities, but a Club President in the U.S., for example, would
also be a Centre Secretary.
Personally MSCC membership is valuable to me because I own a new
car and both enjoy the magazine and the benefits of membership in
attending events like the big annual MOG where several hundred Morgans
gather in one place. It can be quite an International experience, and it is
quite possible to make many new friends. Not everyone in the U.S. will
view this as a benefit to them, nor do some view the U.K. as "Morgan
Mecca", (even though that's where their cars were AND continue to be
made). Therefore some would find MSCC Membership too expensive when
compared to the benefit. I can hear the complaints now! From my perspective
it would be useful to these same complainers to realize that Morgans have
evolved somewhat from their fifties and sixties vintage cars although many
in the U.K. continue to drive and love these as well.
"Here endeth the morning lesson".
William G. Lamb, III
NAS 4.0 Litre Plus 8
MSCC #9096
Morgan 3/4 Owners Group
At 08:11 AM 8/10/99 -0400, Ed Herman wrote:
> Harris has good point. Is it our goal to reinvent the Morgan
>Sports Car Club? Or would we be able to add a north American section to
>the Miscellany, and stay in the MSCC?