----- Original Message -----
From: Colin Cobb <cobmeister@zianet.com>
To: F Kuzyk <fkuzyk@cgocable.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 1999 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: North American Morgans
> << I've seen a sticker on a Triumph that said: "Friends don't let friends
> drive MGs" (a play on the "Friends don't let friends drive drunk" ad
> campaign). >>
> Huh! I always thought that was a play on the "Friends don't let friends
> a Chevy!" campaign....
> --Colin
Cobbmeister !
Maybe you're right. But I think it started with the Chey types who first
said: "Friends don't let friends drive FORDS"! Wouldn't want one of those
badges either. The 'Stang in my shed would be offended!
By the by, Colin, regarding the ConMogCon concept, I can't let your idea go
without ONE dissenter or devil's advocate. So, I'm preparing a treatise
entitled: "ConMogCon - It Should, It Could, But I'd Bet The Farm That It
Won't". I've got some reasons, thoughts & experience that suggest why it
won't fly.
Be prepared....it's coming to an email list or web site near you soon!
Fred Kuzyk
Morgan Sports Cars International
Where the membership is free and anyone in the world can post photos, links,
event dates, articles, discussion, files,
& meet for real-time chat on Morgans!
My Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada site: