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Re: '64 plus4

To: Jim G <>
Subject: Re: '64 plus4
From: Giampiero Pecelli <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:22:36 -0400
I can appreciate that old cars have vague histories.

All I can say is that mine had SUs as of June 1965 - when I first met it -
that is appears by all counts to be a '64, and that I have no reason to
believe that its first owner (a nice joung "Baltimore Blue Book" member
who was sacrificing his "babe magnet" - not his term at the time - to an
impending marriage) made any changes to the car as delivered to him new.
So, as far as I'm concerned (corroborated by some other statements coming
in during the day), the certainty of ALL 175 CDs over the period '64-'67 is

somewhat less than established.

I see the p.63, para.2:31 quotation, but p. 173, "Carburetter (sic)
has the "Stromberg OR SU" quote.

It would be interesting to find out what the real story is... does anybody
have access to detailed enough factory records? Anything else is likely to
just a bit of a brawl...

Giampiero Pecelli

Jim G wrote:

> Colin, You're right; one should always read their reference materials
> throughtly. Had you read on you would have found that the TR 2 and TR 3
> engined Morgans did use HS6 SU's. If you had continued reading on in the
> "Morgan Four Owners Workshop Manual" (your reference) or looked in the
> index you would have discovered that on page 67, para 2:31 states that
> 175 CD's were fitted to +4 models "from 1964 to early 1967" as strafed
> by my e-mail.
> Therefore, I suggest you take your own advice and read your reference
> materials more throughly before you say "your wrong".
> I'm not mad but I'm also not wrong.
> JimG
> PS I will check with Jerry who bought the car from the original owner
> who is a friend of his.

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