Keeping the bleeder jar higher than the caliper/wheel cylinder helps insure
that no air gets back in the system through the loosened bleed screws.
From: Alison Moffett <morgan1 @> on 05/14/99 05:28 PM PDT
To: morgans @
Subject: Brake Bleeding
After installing rebuilt calipers and new brake hoses (Aeroquip), I'm
having trouble getting all of the air out of the system of my 4/4. I've
used both vacuum pump and hose-jar methods, but still can't get a solid
hard pedal. Never have had any problems before in my annual flushings.
I'm going to take it out on the road to bed in the new pads and try yet
another bleeding but certain ladies of the house are getting sick of
short-tempered orders on what to do with the brake pedal. Are there nooks
and crannies of dry calipers that need to be filled with fluid before the
things are air free? are the SS hoses contributing to the problem? As far
as I can see, there are no leaks in the system.
Oh, and my car has a vacuum brake booster. Has anybody else had like
Neill Moffett
Springfield, VA
71 4/4